Unidad Educativa PAULO VI
Les da una cordial bienvenida a sus estudiantes y a toda la comunidad
Esta institución se preocupa por elEstudianteambienteestudiodesde el principio.
Mauro Vincent
Profesor Computación
Karina Villarroel
Andrea Samaniego
John Doe
Full Stack Developer
Patricia Teran
John Doe
Full Stack Developer
Quién es Paulo VI?
Pablo VI o Paulo VI (en latín: Paulus PP. VI),2 de nombre secular Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini (Concesio, 26 de septiembre de 1897-Castel Gandolfo, 6 de agosto de 1978), fue el 262.° papa de la Iglesia católica y soberano de la Ciudad del Vaticano desde el 21 de junio de 1963 hasta su muerte en 1978. Fue canonizado en 2018, durante el pontificado de Francisco, lo que lo convierte en santo de la Iglesia católica.
Sucediendo a Juan XXIII, decidió continuar con el Concilio Vaticano II, gran obra del pontífice anterior. Asimismo, fomentó las relaciones ecuménicas con las iglesias ortodoxas, anglicanas y protestantes, dando lugar a muchas reuniones y acuerdos históricos.
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The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.
The purpose of a feature box is to provide concise and relevant information, such as key points, quick facts, or important details, in a way that stands out from the surrounding content. This helps users easily identify and focus on the most important aspects of the content being presented.